Mining Technology and Equipment going Digital

With outdated methods, it’s difficult to revolutionise business processes in the same way speed that the rest of the world progresses. Whilst the industry often takes the speed of regulatory bodies or technology of equipment, it is always good to be ahead of the curve; being an industry forefront leader rather than an industry ‘lagger’.  …

Mining Vehicles and Mobile Equipment: How Digital can Help

The nature of the mining industry is both diverse and specific, with highly tailored and powerful heavy vehicles and mobile equipment helping employees and mines to achieve their goals. Today many mines are choosing to use digital inspection applications to ensure their equipment and assets are running as smoothly and safely as possible.  For more …

Mining Safety Technology: Make the Right Choice for your Employees

Through integrating their operational procedures and daily approaches with technology, they are reaping rewards such as increased efficiency, higher productivity and smarter methods. One big area in which this is being done is safety inspection; the workplace for any organisation involved in the mining industry can be a particularly hazardous one.  For more information visit …

Mining Inspection Solutions

Pervidi Inspection Software tailors its functionality specifically for the mining industry by customising software to the mine and or inspectors needs. The benefit of using Pervidi is that the Pervidi inspection software and app automates checklists, making inspections more rigorous and both cost and time efficient. For more information visit