As Australia reels from the scathing bushfires, it’s important to recognise and evaluate how fire inspection and prevention can be improved. For natural disasters, it can be easy to push prevention and protection efforts into the future, only to be caught out when it is really needed. For more information visit
Category Archives: Uncategorised
The Digital Inspection Tool
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Flooding Prevention and Water Damage Inspection
During certain seasonal periods flooding and water damage can be a problem that certain businesses and organisations must face. Not only does it become an issue of damage prevention but also one of employee and asset safety. For more information visit
What Can be Taken Digital
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Music Event Inspections Ensuring Safe Festivals and Concerts
Contemporary festivals and music performances are a result of effective organisation and supervision, through music event inspections. High-end equipment and intricate procedures require careful management, inspection and oversight. For more information visit
Paperless, It’s What Everyone’s Talking About
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Digital Environmental Inspection
The effect that any business has on the local surroundings has a profound impact on their sustainability as well as their appeal to today’s customers. It has been increasingly shown that millennials and generation Z in particular tend to choose organisations that are eco-conscious where possible. For more information visit
Digital Opens a Door to Many New Possibilities
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Electrical and Electronics Safety Inspection using Mobile Devices
The modern workplace is an ever-changing environment. As new technology and machinery become available and more heavily integrated, the importance of keeping a tight check on the workplace tools has never been so important. Electrical and electronics safety is a fundamental part of safety management procedures within any building, factory or facility. For more information …
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Think Paperless Sounds Complicated? Think Again
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